About Us
Established in 1991, Virtual Company Secretary Ltd provides Registered Office, Company Secretarial, Accounting and Company Formation services to an extensive range of corporate and residential property clients registered in England and Wales.
Virtual Company Secretary Ltd is registered with:
• Companies House
• HM Revenue & Customs
• Information Commissioners Office
• Chartered Governance Institute
• Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Louise Park, LLB, FCIS
Chartered Secretary
Louise qualified in law before training to become a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries, For over twenty years, Louise has been acting as a Company Secretary for clients ranging from sole traders to listed PLCs across a variety of industries, both in the UK and overseas.
Louise has been awarded the Institute of Directors Certificate in Company Direction
Ian Storer, BA, MBA
Chartered Accountant
Ian qualified with a BA in Accountancy and then successfully achieved membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in 2005. Since 1994 Ian has been preparing financial and management accounts for businesses of all different sizes and across a broad spectrum of industries.
Ian holds the CIMA Members in Practice certification to provide accountancy services to the public.

Ian Storer, BA, MBA
Chartered Accountant
Ian qualified with a BA in Accountancy and then successfully achieved membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in 2005. Since 1994 Ian has been preparing financial and management accounts for businesses of all different sizes and across a broad spectrum of industries.
Ian holds the CIMA Members in Practice certification to provide accountancy services to the public.
What does a Company Secretary do?
Corporate Case
Property Case Studies